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    Every traveller has their story. Our network of personal travel managers has helped thousands of clients and loved ones get home safely, and have had the opportunity to provide support and advice to those planning treasured holidays. Below are some of our customers’ stories.

    Athletes heading to the 2023 Pacific Games

    How one personal travel manager helped fulfil the medal dreams of a Nations

    When Cyclone Mal brushed along the western edge of Fiji in mid-November, it flooded roads and felled trees, took out power lines and prompted precautionary evacuations. It also disrupted the journey of 28 rugby nines players and supporters who were on their way from the Cook Islands to Honiara, Solomon Islands to compete at the 2023 Pacific Games.

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    Overseas treatment made possible thanks to Serrin Tabart

    “What are the chances of getting us to Bangkok within the next few days?” This request was posed to Serrin Tabart on February 15, 2020, when COVID-19 had just started to cause shutdowns across the globe. Serrin’s client, Helen, needed to undergo treatment at a cancer clinic in Thailand and was looking to start ASAP.

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    Customer Story - Annette Fyfe | TravelManagers Australia

    Tammy and family's fake Fiji holiday

    My husband and I honeymooned in Fiji and planned to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary there, returning with our 2 girls who were about to go on their first overseas trip.

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    Customer story John Lengacher

    Karmen and family's humanitarian trip to Ethiopia

    My clients were originally planning to relocate to Addis Ababa to take up their new positions with an NGO but decided to postpone the trip while the COVID-19 situation unfolded. They had intended to fly via Singapore, but with Singapore Airport closed even to transit passengers, and all flights between Asia & Ethiopia cancelled indefinitely, we needed to find another option.

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    Adam and Mireille

    Adam and Mireille bring their surrogate baby home from the US

    Adam and Mireille, entrusted me with an epic journey to bring their baby home. I had originally booked six family members to travel to Seattle USA in mid-April, to await the birth of their surrogate daughter/granddaughter.

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    Customer Story - Carolyn Burgmann

    Flight troubles solved by Carolyn's kindness

    When the world started to shut down due to COVID-19, I posted an update on Facebook saying I was willing to assist anyone having trouble getting home. I was contacted by a client shortly after, who asked if I could help her friend’s parents and brother get home safely. Of course, I said yes.

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    Jimbaran Bay Bali

    Kieron's flawless return home in the midst of a pandemic

    Our place in Bali is with the local people. I seldom see tourists so it’s a little piece of Balinese life without all the Western influences. This means its very much day to day living with little concern for what’s going on in the wider world.

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    JD and Annabelle's race home before border closures

    "We started to plan our dream holiday about 12 months ago. We had wanted to see the Northern Lights on a Viking cruise leaving from Bergen in Norway. The cruise was to sail north to the arctic circle and return to London after 13 days."

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    Tony, Heidi, Isabelle and Helen - Karen to the rescue

    "We were caught off guard when the WHO declared a global pandemic three weeks into our month-long visit to Australia and New Zealand. When our return transit flight to Australia was cancelled we were in a panic."

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    Samantha - the last seat on the first flight available

    "I was living in the UK when all the drama hit with COVID-19 and Australia had announced that it was closing boarders for non-citizens and recommending all citizens to get back asap."

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    Peter and Lou - our "guardian agent"

    "When we left Australia we were aware of the spread of Coronavirus and remained vigilant of any news about that. Our guardian agent, communicated with us before we left and regularly whilst we were away to make sure we were totally up to date with what was occurring."

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