Using my expertise, knowledge and industry connections I will take care of every aspect of your trip to ensure that everything goes as planned, and be there to support you should anything unexpected arise.

How does it work ?

The first step is to arrange an obligation free telephone appointment.  This will allow us to get to know a little about each other to ensure that I am the best Personal Travel Manager for your requirements.

To arrange an appointment please text me on 0415 234 685 with your name and brief message.

Once we’ve established that we are the right fit for each other I will then ask you to complete a client profile form for each traveller and ask that you pay your travel management fee.  We will then arrange a full consultation, either face to face, via telephone or via Zoom to start planning your perfect trip.

What is a travel management fee ?

A travel management fee covers the ongoing management and supervision of your entire travel arrangments, from consultation, booking progression, collation, and delivery of travel documents.  The fee is commensurate with my time, expertise, knowledge, and personalised professional service.  This is payable at the time of our initial consultation.  If you decide not to proceed with your booking and/or travel arrangements are cancelled for any reason, this payment/fee is non-refundable.

One revision to the itinerary is included with the initial management fee.  Changes beyond this will incur additional charges.

Full details of the current travel management fee can be found in the link below under service fees.

Client Profile Form

When you are ready to make a booking, I will ask you to fill out this form for each passenger. This will create your profile in my back-office system. Fill out my client profile form.

Service Fees

You can see an overview of my service fees on this page.

Travel Insurance Waiver Form

This form confirms that you have been advised about the importance of travel insurance and do not wish to proceed with a policy through TravelManagers, understanding the risks. It also confirms you understand that fees apply if TravelManagers is requested to supply information, paperwork and/or invoices to your chosen Insurance provider. Fill out the form here.

Acceptance of TravelManagers Terms and Conditions

Before confirming your trip, please read TravelManagers Australia’s terms and conditions. You will need to accept these before we proceed with your booking. Please click here to acknowledge our terms and conditions.

TravelManagers Privacy Policy

In providing us with your personal information you are agreeing that our Privacy Policy will apply to how we handle your personal information and you consent to us collecting, using and disclosing your personal information.