I strongly recommend all travellers have Travel Insurance but not all Travel Insurance policy’s are the same. When considering and comparing policies, here are a few questions to ask:
- Is there a 24/7 emergency assistance number?
- Does credit card travel insurance need to be activated?
- Does credit card insurance cover all travellers or just the cardholder?
- What is the excess?
- Are you covered for lost / stolen money/ credit card?
- Is there an age limit on the policy?
- Are you covered for ‘pre existing medical conditions’?
- What are pre existing medical conditions?
- Is pregnancy a pre existing medical condition?
- Are you covered if you’re pregnant?
- Does the policy cover the rental vehicle excess (a recent rental in Australia had insurance included with a $6000 excess on claims)
- Do you have a hard copy of the policy wording and understand it
- Do you have a policy number to provide hospitals or other parties in case of emergency?
- Does the policy cover you for natural disasters occurring?
- If you’re skiing/snowboarding/rafting/bungy jumping etc – are you covered?
Disclaimer: I do not provide any advice based on any consideration of your objectives, financial situation or needs. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to ensure any product purchased is right for them