Africa Dreaming

Welcome to Africa Dreaming…

A place to start dreaming and planning for a future holiday in Africa.

Africa is a holiday that we usually spend a lot of time dreaming about before making the actual trip. It takes time and research to work out what we want to see, where to go, what kind of accommodation we want to stay in, and how much we will need to spend to turn the dream trip we have in our hearts into reality. Then once you get home, I promise you will spend a lot of time dreaming about your next safari.

I have a deep love of Africa and have had the good fortune to travel there over 20 times in the last 30 years. I have worked most of this time with organisations specialising in Africa as a holiday destination. This puts me in a rare position amongst travel agents to have personally inspected what you are considering doing on your African Safari.

This site is designed to share my tips, thoughts, and knowledge allowing you to fast-track your planning and to give you an insight into how my African knowledge and experience can save you time and money.
Once you have some ideas on the kind of safari you are dreaming of, register for an African Itinerary Design Session Insert hyperlink to contact form). Together, we can get a little closer to turning your Africa dream into a reality.

Your African Travel Specialist...

What is your Africa style?

What are you coming to see?

Africa is a big land, where to begin...

Can I take the kids on safari?...

How I work...

About Me...

Your African Travel Specialist...


What is your Africa style?


What are you coming to see?


Africa is a big land, where to begin...


Can I take the kids on safari?...