
Free Coronavirus Survival Guide for Over 50s

Free Coronavirus Survival Guide for Over 50s

I hope you are doing well, staying safe and being strong in these difficult times. I know these are tough times.  I want to send my thoughts and best wishes to you as we face these unprecedented challenges in our world.  Covid-19 has changed the way we move around in our world.   This will not be forever.

Keep your spirits lifted and to help I thought to reach out and gift you a wonderful free e-book.  This book has been very well received and is particularly beneficial for people’s mental state of mind.  The Coronavirus Survival Guide suggests ways to keep fit, healthy and occupied during this difficult time.

This booklet will help keep YOU safe, healthy and engaged, both physically & mentally.

Coronvirus Survival Guide, Wellness

Coronavirus Survival Guide, Wellness

Whilst current circumstances prevent travel, there’s plenty to view on  various Travel, Arts and Museum websites with more armchair inspiration to enjoy virtually.

Coronavirus Survival Guide for Over 50s and Seniors

Van Gogh Museum Virtual tours

The allure of faraway places, remaining to be explored, will never dim. When the clouds lift, I will be here waiting to take you. We are all in this together.

Coronavirus Survival Guide for Over 50s & Seniors

Alluring Places like Tuscany, Italy

The world is still here to explore.  For now, many of us are doing that from the comfort of our couches and laptops. Initially, we will stay close to home. With travel options such as New Zealand and parts of Australia.  I am here for you when you’re ready to starting talking travel again.


Brancos Lookout Kimberley Tours

In the meantime, share this  Free Coronavirus Survival Guide with your Family and Friends so that they too can benefit from the information.

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Winner CLIA Home-Based Mobile Agent of the Year Australia 2023

Winner Women in Travel - Sales Person of the Year 2023

Winner NTIA Most Outstanding Mobile/Home-based Travel Advisor Australia (AFTA’s National Travel Industry Awards) 2022

Winner NTIA Best Mobile Travel Advisor Network (AFTA’s National Travel Industry Awards) 2024, 2022 and 2019

Double Accredited CLIA Cruise MASTER Agent (Cruise Lines International Association) and CruiseCo Member

Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Queensland, Australia.

Inaugural Canadian "Radical Ambassador" and Specialist appointed by Destination Canada

Accredited Italy and Sardinia Luxury Travel Specialist and EXCLUSIVE Travel Partner

Qualified Switzerland and Austria Travel Ambassador appointed by Switzerland Tourism and Austrian Tourism

Accredited African Safari Luxury Travel Specialist

Peace of Mind Peace of mind