“Julianne is more than just a travel agent to me. I work for a CEO, he is great to work for, but non the less, itineraries for him are usually very complex and subject to a lot of change. Julianne has been more than helpful in adapting to our working style. I have emailed or called her both late at night and very early in the morning and she has always been there to help with my travel emergencies. Julianne seems to make theimpossible possible and as a result, makes my job very easy and makes melook great at it! As I write this, Julianne has just assisted a missed flight from Europe to Australia, managed to secure seats in business at short notice and has saved us a considerable amount of money in fare changes with the requested upgrades honoured. Personally, Julianne is a lovely lady with a positive outlook which comes across in her working style. Nothing is ever impossible and she is always so calm and reassuring.”
Emma Horne, Executive Assistant, STW Group