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    Historical Sights of Britain

    Historical Sights of Britain

    Britain has an immense wealth of historically significant sites, making it the perfect destination f...

    Don’t forget Greenland. It will blow you away!

    Don’t forget Greenland. It will blow you a

    Greenland has attracted pioneers from all over the world. It is a country where nature and climate a...

    5 of the world's top bungee jumps

    5 of the world's top bungee jumps

    Bungee jumping originated in the South Pacific on Pentecost Island, where locals would jump from fra...

    Explore Canada’s West

    Explore Canada’s West

      Vancouver and Vancouver Island The city of Vancouver is a place to adm...

    Tea Time

    Tea Time

    The introduction of afternoon tea has long been credited to the Duchess of Bedford, who in the early...

    Bella Italia!

    Bella Italia!

    Italy is a wonderful place to go for your holidays. It offers a wide array of historical sites to vi...