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    Australia’s Best Beaches

    Australia’s Best Beaches

    The best beach in Australia is a tricky one to choose; after all one person’s idea of the perfect ...

    Are you ready for a thrill?

    Are you ready for a thrill?

    For many people, the thought of going to an amusement park whilst on holiday is about as enticing as...

    People Watching Around The World

    People Watching Around The World

    Lets admit it; we love people watching. Observing people who have embraced an alien (to you) subcult...

    What are the Northern Lights?

    What are the Northern Lights?

    The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights is a natural light display that occurs within and around the...

    Have you travelled around Australia?

    Have you travelled around Australia?

    How many Australians do you know that have explored this vast country that we live in? It seems a li...

    Bali 30 years ago

    Bali 30 years ago

    While most of Bali has been transformed into a busy and bustling tourist destination, Lombok has rem...