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    Spectacular salt flats of the world

    Spectacular salt flats of the world

    If you’re looking for some adventure on your next holiday, but feel as though you’ve ‘been the...

    The world's top annual events

    The world's top annual events

    Some events around the world are so spectacular, that it's well-worth planning your holiday to coinc...

    Visiting Santa’s workshop

    Visiting Santa’s workshop

    It seems that Santa has sold up shop in the North Pole. The remote location and its un-strategic loc...

    A world of wonderful weather

    A world of wonderful weather

    The weather can be a wild and unpredictable beast, and is an important factor to consider when plann...

    Beginner's Guide to Bolivia

    Beginner's Guide to Bolivia

    You could crash-land almost anywhere in Bolivia and find yourself in one of the most...