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    Travel Tips: How to remain energetic while travelling for work

    Travel Tips: How to remain energetic while travelling for work

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    Business trips can be an exciting, rewarding and at times exhausting experience. Long haul flights, back-to-back business meetings and endless networking can leave the most seasoned of travellers feeling lethargic. Thankfully there are some tips and tricks that migrating managers can employ to cut down on the jet set exhaustion. A personal travel manager can give the busy business types all the advice they need to stay on the top of their game.

    Remember to get enough sleep – One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four.

    Sleep deprivation can send even the most placid of personalities into a delirious state. Before heading off on that next trip it is worthwhile investing in a pair of state-of-the-art noise canceling headphones or earplugs. Cutting out the noise of the plane, the chatty kids and the coughing passenger behind you are all bonus points to help you get to sleep. For the unfortunate souls who just can’t sleep on planes, try napping for 10 – 30 minute periods. While it may not be a solid 8 hours sleep a nap can still help travellers stay alert and improve performance when on the ground.

    After arriving it’s recommended to go for a long walk in the sunshine, take in the new surroundings and explore the area.  Fresh air and natural light will help the body’s internal clock to adjust to the local time. Don’t have time to stop? Work outside for an hour and kill two birds with one stone.

    Make healthy eating a priority

    Food is fuel for the body, so when travelling its important to make sure the body is provided with the energy it needs. Before flying out take time to eat something healthy (but still enjoyable!). Eating a healthy meal has obvious benefits, one of which is aiding the body in achieving natural, rested sleep.

    Regularly snacking on a diet of fruits, vegetables and protein can also help the body make the internal clock adjustments and maintain high energy levels. Be sure to drink plenty of water when you arrive to rehydrate, and although it may be tempting to swig a large coffee, go easy on the caffeine to avoid being wide awake at 1am!

    Travel Apps

    Travel Apps are a blessing of the 21st Century to the modern day traveller. Simplyfing travel is as easy as download apps like SeatGuru and GateGuru. The SeatGuru app allows travellers to type their flight details into their phone to discover the best inflight seats – a huge help for picking that seat with a little extra legroom!

    GateGuru allows travellers to search hundreds of airports for shops, restaurants and other hot spots. Travellers can also read other travellers reviews on restaurants and shops.

    Pre-pack a bag

    Packing is often referred to as one of the most stressful and frustrating parts of travelling. Pre-packing an emergency travel bag is a fantastic way to ensure that a quick trip to the airport is always a possibility. A back up kit of toiletries, clothes, shoes and phone/laptop chargers can make a huge difference when racing for that emergency flight.

    If you know you have an extensive stop over on your flight it can also help to book a hotel room at, or nearby, the airport. Nothing keeps you going like a hot shower and a rest in comfortable surroundings!


    Find out more tips and tricks from your local, personal travel manager http://www.travelmanagers.com.au/ptm-search/


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